Integrative Myofascial Bodywork
Specializing in fascial-craniosacral therapies
֍ Andrea Potyondy-Smith, LMT, CMT ֎
Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
My background includes metaphysical and intuitive education. Though I have read cards for personal reasons for many years, I am now offering this service for those who may be looking for intuitive guidance through Tarot and/or oracle cards. My style would best be described as Practical Clairvoyance: no smoke-filled rooms or promises of tall, dark strangers and wild financial windfalls. It is a snapshot of things as they currently are indicated; individual choice and free will can always carve the querent a new path.

30 Minute Reading: $45
A 30 minute reading is best for 1-2 short questions.

45 Minute Reading: $60
45 minutes allows for about 3 short questions or a "medium-length" spread

60 Minute Reading: $75
60 minutes is ideal for a detailed reading that is more based in a life-path question, calendar year, or "traditional" spread.